Hey ChristmasFriend,
It’s me Ralphie the Elf writing to you from the North Pole.
The Easter Bunny is going to start his journey in less than a week. You can tag along with him using the Easter Bunny Tracker. That way you can, for example — see as he delivers baskets. * raising hands above head * MIND BLOWN!
* logs in to Easter Bunny Tracker, tries to observe the Easter Bunny sleeping, then whispers a subliminal message to take me off the naughty list and bring me the Xbox Series X *
Dang it, this thing barely works.
Anyway, if you want to use it for tracking, it’s available on Android and iOS.
Have a lovely weekend,
Ralphie the Elf ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
P.S. Today only, you can download the eBook, Track Easter Bunny: An Easter Tradition, on Amazon and read it on any device. Click * Buy Now * on Amazon and pay nothing.